Pop-Machina 7th General Assembly

Hybrid Hybrid Event

This is the 7th Pop-Machina GA meeting, when all consortium partners meets to discuss the project developments and confront ideas!! Agenda will be split in…


Santander Policy Workshop

Santander Circular Makerspace: policy workshop. The main goal is the discussion and brainstorming of solutions and recomendations related to the city strategic, legislative and operational…


Recycling plastic Nomadic Circular Makerspace

On Thursday 13th July, the Santander Nomadic Circular Makerspace held yet another precious plastic workshop with more than 62 participants in the Cazoña Civic Center with…


Aliuminium recycling, melting workshop

Kauno Makerspace kviečia į aliuminio lydymo dirbtuves. Ateikite ir kartu lydysime aliuminį, kurio prisikaupė lentynose, paruošime lydinius tolimesniam naudojimui. Lydysime savadarbėje lydymo krosnyje - bus…