One of the most important elements in a maker ecosystem is knowledge sharing among the community members. This knowledge, in the format of tutorials, experiences or projects are of great value to foster the community in a makerspace and the maker movement. Therefore, a common entry point for new makers where they can find all the needed information and tutorials to start in the maker movement is really valuable. At the same time, existing experienced makers can benefit from such platform through several means, including rewards and public recognition, as well as having it as a place to share their experience. To that end, the Open Knowledge Tool is an online user-friendly platform that let the different users to access and share their maker knowledge and contributing to the community.

Within this tutorial we will show you how to create a new course in the OKT platform.

What is Pop-Machina?

Pop-Machina is a Horizon 2020 project that seeks to highlight and reinforce the links between the maker movement and circular economy in order to promote environmental sustainability and generate socio-economic benefits in European cities.

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Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 7 Topics
  • 1 Quiz